Our Theory of Change

The Pierce County Workforce Development Council and WorkForce Central wanted to improve how we delivered services to Pierce County communities, recognizing we were not truly welcoming to all. As a result, the Pierce County Community Engagement Task Force was assembled. We represent community members who are actively engaged and committed to change. We represent numerous organizations across multiple sectors throughout Pierce County. Membership is open for all who wish to be involved in our work. 

Everyone has a story. As a community need to stop and listen to them the first time, not when it is too late, and they have lost hope. Our goal is that a person should not have to navigate the system; the system should be steering the person, the whole person. 

Our vision and approach to our community has changed for the better. Because of the vital need for major change, and real outcomes, we are committed to the communities we serve and ask them to commit to us, spreading the word of services we offer.  

We believe our work embodies principles that respect all community members’ rights and needs.  We are enhancing collaborative efforts throughout Pierce County systems and communities for long-term, sustainable employment for our residents. Rebuilding trust among communities and networks includes a commitment to becoming trusted ourselves by removing the implicit bias imbedded within community engagement. We are focused on building a strong foundation that will be reciprocated throughout Pierce County. This movement is eager to disrupt the status quo that does not serve our clients and citizens to its full potential.  

Indicators of success are often merely checked boxes, which is not sufficient when the goal is substantial systemic and culture change. The Pierce County Community Engagement Task Force strives to uplift the achievements of life, starting with core foundation empathetic understanding. 

We are tackling the heavy lifts needed to support Pierce County residents in becoming healthy and economically stable, driving collaborative and intentional community engagement across social service sectors by developing a community leader database across Pierce County.  

We have created a multi-sector strategy that coordinates efforts tsupport major systems and providers using a joint assessment to compare policies and best practices, as well as resource allocation.  

Our mission is to see past titles, organizations, performance targets, and competition. Instead, we focus on our shared customers’ stories, our community, and fulfilling a higher promise not to leave anyone behind or pushed aside. 

Simply put, we are refocusing the direct service community and what it looks like by redefining what accountability means. Pierce County is unique in its ability to collaborate in this way and together we are fostering the next generation of leaders.