Ep 5: Sound Outreach

/ / Ep 5: Sound Outreach

Tim Jumper

Manager of Community Engagement

(253) 593-2111


Sound Outreach helps Pierce County residents experiencing low and/or fixed incomes build financial security through financial coaching, job training, and other connected services. Their Financial and Employment Coaches provide guidance and tools focused on increasing household income, attaining relief from predatory loans, improving credit scores, achieving high-wage jobs, and realizing long-term financial goals. Their services are always free, with the goal to stabilize, elevate, and motivate clients to financial stability and self-sufficiency.

Historically focused in Pierce County, Sound Outreach is looking to reach into new areas of the community to collaborate with partners interested in offering financial stability and literacy programs to their clients. Sound Outreach is also looking for referrals to their Center for Strong Families program.

To learn more about Sound Outreach and their programs for promoting financial stability among Pierce County residents, connect with Tim and James.

Posted on October 21, 2021